Equipment/assistive technology

Classified listing of second-hand disability equipment, vehicles and properties.

Interactive web-based tool that suggests assistive technology ideas for the home including solutions for electronically controlling devices and appliances including doors, bed, lights, windows, telephone, TV, music system, curtains, blinds, air conditione ...

Computer and home control technology solutions for people with a disability who want to be productive, independent and connected through using IT.

ACT Government service providing a range of assistive equipment which is available on a short term loan of three months.

ACT Government service assisting people who have a long term disability to live and participate in the community with the provision of appropriately prescribed equipment, aids and appliances.

An affordable app providing a text to speech solution for those with speech challenges.

Information, education, and advisory centre for assistive technology (AT) and the built environment. AT Australia does not sell AT products. Search the online catalogue for information and ideas about products and supplier contacts.

Care coordinators and case managers assist people to access health and community services.

NSW based online product store for linen/aids/oral care/cleansing etc.

By law, tradespeople must give consumers a copy of the Consumer building guide before they enter into any contract for building work worth more than $5000.

ACT Government service providing respiratory equipment.

Classified listing of second-hand disability equipment, vehicles and properties.

NSW Government service providing communication, mobility, respiratory function and self-care aids and equipment such as wheelchairs, communication devices and consumable items for people living with disability or chronic health conditions, and assistance ...

Annual payment to people who experience increase in home energy costs from the use of essential medical equipment to manage their disability or medical condition. Eligibility criteria apply.

A physiotherapist helps you maintain physical activity and mobility.

A speech pathologist helps in the management of communication and swallowing.

An occupational therapist (OT) helps to maintain mobility, function and independence.

Service of MND NSW providing assistive technology/equipment for people with MND to meet their short to medium term needs.

Flexyfoot provides flexible walking stick feet, walking sticks and crutches.

Classified listing of second-hand accessible vehicles.